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1941 sifTIPS Advice to Women
1941 sifTIPS advice to women in welding: Proud to say, we've come a long way from this!
Since the beginning, sif has been a champion of women in welding, but when a brand has been running for as long as this one has, things are bound to need updating a little. While the team were deep in the sifTIPS archives this week we came across an advice column from 1941 onwards featuring Winnie the Welder offering handy tips to women new to the welding world as part of the war effort. Most of the suggestions focused on whether it was important to maintain your femininity while working and what hurdles to this end professionals could expect to face - rather than actual welding tips. Once in a while, we all need to have a good laugh at ourselves, so we’ve chosen our favourites to share with you below!
As much as one dislikes seeing women in trousers, it seems to be the general opinion that for welding in factory conditions, trousered overalls of the bib and brace type are more suitable than skirts and silk stockings the trousers give protection to the legs against sparks and hot falling metal.
Care of hands:
Welding will not spoil your hands but to keep them soft and attractive wash them regularly and use a well-known brand of cream after the day’s work is over. Nails will not get damaged if kept well-trimmed and not too long.
Care of hair:
There is always a certain amount of dust in any factory, so it is advisable to wear a dark coloured bandeau or beret. A good hair rinse twice a week and regular daily brushing night and morning will keep your hair silky and fresh.
The regular movement of goggles during a day’s work will spoil the most permanent of hair waves and for this reason it has been found that a head cover of the beret type affords best protection whilst still retaining that feminine charm.
Care of eyes:
Goggles must be worn and are generally provided. As an extra aid a daily douche with a well-known eye lotion is a good tonic, although not essential.
Most girls are at first somewhat apprehensive about the daily use of welding goggles and they generally fear that their eyesight may be impaired there is no need to worry on this score providing that they are supplied with a pair of goggles fitted with Protex grade A glasses to B.S. Specification 679. These glasses are a light shade of green and are especially recommended to give 100% eye protection when used on light gauge sheet metal welding, sifBRONZE welding and aluminium welding. Grade B Protex glasses are a darker shade of green for heavy oxy-acetylene welding, but these are rarely used by girls.
Don’t forget to check our social channels for a few more throwbacks as we uncover them, and we look forward to better supporting the whole welding force with some actual advice - we promise!